Michele Riechman- Online Personal Trainer & Health Coach

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Tips for Sustainable Weight Loss

Have you tried things in the past to lose weight that haven't worked? Do you feel stuck and don't even know where to start? These are two things that I hear all the time from my clients. And both of them lead to you not taking any action!

Let's talk about things in the past not working out. Many people try different diets or programs and they work for a little bit and then they don't last. They're typically extreme and required a lot of change that you aren't able to maintain. So, then when the program is done you go back to your old habits and you gain back that weight and maybe even a little more.  You are left feeling even worse than when you started. You invested a lot of time and maybe money into what you tried and it didn't work and now you feel stuck.

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And now you don't even know what to do. You know that you need to get healthy and feel better but you don't even know how to do it in a way that you can sustain and feel good about yourself.

It starts by finding something that is sustainable. So something that you can stick with for the long term. So this may mean that you may not get drastic results in a few weeks like those other programs promised. This may mean that change is going to happen a little slower.

If you would like some tips on creating a sustainable lifestyle check out this video. Grab a pen and paper and take some notes and start to craft a vision for yourself.

One of the best things you can do for you health is to eat clean. No, it doesn’t have to be perfect. But you can transform your body and improve your health quickly with clean eating. It can be confusing how to start, so check out my FREE guide!