Can You Lose Weight Walking [Daily Step Goal]

Are you wondering if walking more can help with weight loss? Do you know that you need to move more, but are not sure where to start with a good step goal? Do you want to lose weight and feel healthier? 

Today I'm going to be talking all about movement and walking for weight loss.  
Topics included:

  • Exercise versus movement

  • Brisk walking

  • Watches to track your steps

  • How to use your phone to track your steps

  • How many miles are in 10,000 steps

  • What to do while you are walking

Can walking help you lose weight?

Today, we're diving into a topic that's not just about taking steps, but about taking empowering steps towards your weight loss journey.

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In this podcast episode, we're talking all about the magic of walking and movement. You know, we're living in a world that's all about being seated – at work, at home, basically everywhere. But let's break that cycle and lace up those sneakers for a refreshing change.

Why walk, you ask? Walking is like a secret weapon for weight loss. It's not just about sweating it out in the gym; it's about making movement a natural part of your day. And here's the exciting part: walking doesn't stress your metabolism like intense cardio can. It's all about balance. We want plenty of movement, and a sprinkle of exercise to keep that metabolism smiling and your body stress-free.

Discover more about metabolism with this blog: How to increase your metabolism

So, as you step out for your walks, remember that it's not just about the miles you cover, but the positive impact you're creating on your overall health. Keep the pep in your step, and let's stride towards a healthier, happier you. You've got this!

Movement Versus Exercise

Alright, let's break it down. The difference between movement and exercise is all about intensity. Exercise is when your muscles are putting in that work. You feel that burn, that satisfying ache that tells you, "Hey, I'm doing something amazing here." Remember that workout a couple of days back that had you feeling a bit sore? That's the burn we're talking about – your muscles getting a real wake-up call. And let's not forget about that heart pumping workouts that might even leave you catching your breath from cardio.

On the flip side, there's movement. Imagine strolling from the kitchen to the living room, just doing your thing. That's movement. It's not about racing against the clock or getting breathless. It's about those simple steps, like hitting your daily step goal. You don't need to break a speed record; you're just giving your body the gift of movement.

Now that you understand the distinction between movement and exercise, you can take a proactive approach towards incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine. Look for opportunities to stay active throughout the day, whether it's taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking instead of driving short distances, or engaging in activities that require physical effort like gardening or dancing.

These small changes can make a significant impact on your overall health and fitness. Additionally, sprinkle in dedicated exercise sessions throughout the week to further challenge and strengthen your body. This could involve going to the gym, joining a fitness class, or even following an online workout routine. By combining both intentional exercise and movement, you'll create a well-rounded approach to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

Brisk Walking

Ladies, let's talk about brisk walking and the incredible benefits it brings to the table. Picture this: you're striding with purpose, your heart's racing in a good way, and you're feeling that energizing breeze against your skin. That, my fabulous friends, is what we call a brisk walk. It's like giving your body a friendly nudge and saying, "Hey, let's do this!"

So, why should you go for a brisk walk? Oh, there's a world of benefits waiting for you. When you kick things up a notch and walk with a bit of pep, you're not only getting your heart rate up, but you're also giving your metabolism a little nudge – it's like a mini workout on the move. And guess what? Your heart is loving it too, getting stronger with every step. Plus, let's not forget the calorie burn – it's like you're telling those calories to hit the road while you conquer the path.

Now, how do you know if your walk is truly brisk? Well, it's about finding that sweet spot between leisurely strolls and an all-out sprint. Remember, you're not running a race; you're setting a pace that pushes you just enough. If you're able to hold a conversation but it's a bit challenging, and you're feeling that heart rate pick up – you're right on track.

And guess what? You're not confined to one style. Mix it up! Some days, you'll do a brisk walk, feeling the sweat and the burn, while other days, you'll go for a slower walk, savoring the joy of the moment and letting the stress melt away. It's all about finding that balance and embracing the power of every step you take.

Do I need to track my steps?

Let's chat about tracking those sensational steps without needing an iPhone. Now, before we dive into the world of tracking, here's the scoop – a fancy watch or high-tech gadgets aren't the golden ticket to success. It's not about the bling; it's about the action you take. I've seen it all – people investing in snazzy scales, high-tech watches, top-notch shoes, you name it. But here's the truth: unless you lace up those shoes and hit the pavement, no amount of gear will do the trick. It's all about your dedication to making strides, both literally and figuratively.

But hey, let's get down to tracking business. You don't need an iPhone for this journey – there are plenty of options to keep tabs on your steps. You can just keep track of the time you go out for an intentional walk, or count the miles you walk a day. There is no magic number, but the important thing to keep in mind is just to walk and get in more movement.

And guess what? Your smartphone can be a handy tracking tool too! There are various apps available for both Android and other devices that can help you keep track of your steps. Remember, it's not about the brand or the gizmos; it's about finding a tracking method that suits you and keeps you in the loop. So whether you're using a classic pedometer, a sleek fitness band, or a trusty app, what truly matters is the journey you're embarking on – the journey towards a healthier, more active you. Keep stepping forward, and remember, the power is in your feet!

How to track steps on a iPhone?

Let me share a little iPhone magic with you You know, sometimes the simplest things can make a big impact. Did you know the iPhone has a fitness and health app that can track your steps for you? I had no clue this was happening until my daughter spilled the beans. Yep, that's right – there's a fitness app right there on my phone that's been tracking my steps all along!

This app is like my walking partner, silently counting each step and measuring the distance covered. It's like having a secret superhero by my side, ensuring I stay on track with my movement goals. And the best part? It's all built-in, so no need for extra gadgets or accessories. When I want a peek into how far I've journeyed in a day, all I need to do is open up that app, and there it is – a snapshot of my accomplishments, right at my fingertips.

How many miles in 10,000 steps?

Let's break down those numbers and stride confidently toward your step goals. We've all heard the buzz about 10,000 steps a day. Now, those 10,000 steps – let's put them in perspective. If we're talking miles, it's like measuring the rhythm of your steps against the canvas of distance.

Your stride length is what determines how many steps make a mile– it's the length from stepping with one foot till that same foot touches again. Depending on your style, about 2,000 to 2,500 steps generally make up a mile. So, for that coveted 10,000-step goal, you're looking at roughly 4 to 5 miles, a journey that's all about embracing your unique rhythm.

What should my step goal be?

Now, let's talk strategy. Yes, 10,000 steps is a solid target, but remember, it's not about one size fitting all. If you're new to this journey or have specific needs, it's all about that gradual ascent. Start small, build big – that's the secret to consistency. Let's say you're currently rocking around 2,000 steps daily – aiming for 10,000 right away might feel like diving into the deep end. Let's start with a smaller goal, like 3,000 or 4,000 steps, and gently work your way up. We're talking about kindness to those muscles and letting them wake up.

And guess what? Your world is a playground for those steps. From sauntering around your home to owning the grocery store aisles, every step counts. Those intentional walks are your ticket to success, especially if your day-to-day activities aren't always stepping-heavy. So, my amazing movers and shakers, lace up your shoes and embrace your journey, one step at a time. You've got the power to set the pace, and the road ahead is calling your name!

Check out my blog on: What should my move goal be to lose weight

What do while walking?

If you ever find that little voice of resistance creeping in, I've got a secret formula for you: sprinkle some joy on those steps! It's time to make walking not just a task, but a journey of enjoyment and self-discovery.

Here's the scoop: making your walks more enjoyable is all about tuning in and customizing the experience to suit your needs. As you step out the door, pause for a moment of reflection. Connect with yourself, pray, and ask, "What do I need from this walk?" Is it the silence that your soul craves, allowing the sounds of nature to soothe your spirit? Or perhaps you're in the mood for music – whether it's an upbeat playlist or calming melodies.

Maybe you're on a learning kick, eager to expand your mind. Tune into a podcast or an audiobook that sparks your curiosity and keeps your thoughts engaged as you stride forward. And hey, if you're feeling chatty, why not make that walk a friend-filled adventure? Connecting with a pal while strolling can turn your daily steps into an enjoyable heart-to-heart.

The key here is to make your walk more enjoyable. Tune in, embrace variety, and let each step cater to your current needs. Whether it's silence, music, learning, or connection, your journey is as unique as you are. So lace up those shoes, hit the pavement, and let every step be a delightful reminder of the power you hold to shape your own experience.

Mentioned in the episode:

👉Schedule a free coaching call and get unstuck and ready to move forward consistently in your health:

 👉 Healthy Beyond 40 Facebook group where starting on 9/18 there will be a FREE water & movement challenge! Win prizes, enjoy the community, and do something good for your health:

Work with me:

👉 Discover more about the Wellness Breakthrough Program for women over 40 who are looking to lose weight for good & get in shape:

Favorite green juice:

👉  Save 20% on Organifi with the affiliate code HEALTHY20 and 35% when you set up a subscription.  My favorites are the green juice in AM & gold in the PM

 👉 My Favorite Fish Oil & Omega Test: Finding the perfect balance of omegas is key for healthy cells and reducing inflammation. Learn how to find out your ratio and check out my favorite supplement!


👉Grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can start having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism.


You got this,

Coach Michele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice.  Affiliate links and codes are listed that I can make a commission from.

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from. 



Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

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