How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally


Are you looking to boost your immune system? Do you want to increase your immune system naturally? Maybe you or your kids keep getting sick… And you just want to help your immune system to work its best.

Our lifestyle has a huge effect on our immune system and there is so much that you can do about it. From simple lifestyle strategies to powerful natural supplements. It’s time to take charge of your health!

 In this episode, I’m going to be sharing 5 lifestyle tips and my favorite immune-boosting supplements that are great for everyone.

Listen here or pull up episode #81 in your favorite podcast app!

Today, I'm thrilled to delve deeper into the world of immune resilience. Whether you're a parent aiming to safeguard your kids or someone looking to bolster overall health, join me for an extended exploration of lifestyle tips and my favorite immune-boosting supplements that have truly transformed the well-being of my family.

Lifestyle Tips for a Robust Immune System

1. Decrease or remove sugar and quick carbs

Sugar and quick carbs can cause our immune system not to function at it’s peak. I encourage you to cut back or eliminate sugar and quick carbs. It's not just about cutting back on the obvious culprits; it's a call to embrace a diet rich in real, whole foods. By doing so, we not only fend off inflammation but also address the nutritional gaps often present in our modern diets.


2. Load up on phytonutrients

Now, let's take a closer look at phytonutrients – those powerful compounds found in non-starchy veggies and fruits. They go beyond regular vitamins and minerals, adding a solid punch to your immune system. So, load up on those veggies of all colors for a well-rounded nutritional boost.

3. Decrease Stress

Stress management is a journey, not a one-time fix. The correlation between stress and immune function is undeniable. Unchecked stress elevates cortisol levels, hampering our immune response. But fear not, finding effective stress-relief practices, be it yoga, deep breathing, or seeking counseling, can be transformative for your overall well-being.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Uninterrupted, quality sleep is a non-negotiable component of immune resilience. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, getting off of electronics before bed, and prioritizing sleep hygiene are crucial steps. Cortisol, the stress hormone, tends to wreak havoc when sleep is compromised, impairing the efficiency of our immune defenses.

5. Drink enough water

Water – the often overlooked hero in our health journey. Beyond its detoxifying prowess, proper hydration facilitates optimal bodily functions. Adequate water intake ensures our systems are well-lubricated, toxins are flushed out, and our immune warriors stand ready for action.

Listen to Katie’s top tips for boosting her family’s immune system!

Favorite Supplements to Boost Your Immune System

1. Vitamin D For Immune System

Let's unravel the mysteries of vitamin D – the sunshine nutrient that plays a pivotal role in immune function. We get vitamin D from the sun and a few foods, but most people are not at optimal levels.

Optimal levels are essential, and I've even got a handy link for at-home testing. Maintaining levels closer to 50, as recommended by the Vitamin D Council, ensures a robust immune defense against various threats. Click here to test your levels and get started supplementing.

2. Multivitamin + Immune Support: Xtend by Zinzino

Now, let's shine a spotlight on my go-to supplement –Zinzino’s Multivitamin + Immune Support. It's not your run-of-the-mill multivitamin; it's a comprehensive immune powerhouse. From 1-3, 1-6 beta-glucans to olive leaf extract, this supplement is powerhouse at boosting your immune system! Check it out here!

Some of my favorite ingredients in Xtend are:

1-3, 1-6 beta-glucans: Immune Modulator

Ever heard of 1-3, 1-6 beta-glucans? These unsung heroes, derived from brewers yeast, are crucial immune modulators. With scientific backing showcasing their potency, especially in priming the immune system before exposure, they're a game-changer in immune resilience.

Olive Leaf Extract: Nature's Antimicrobial Marvel:

Venturing into the realm of natural antimicrobials, we encounter olive leaf extract. Renowned not only for immune support but also for its antioxidant properties, this extract holds promise in various areas, from energy levels to cardiovascular health.

Curcumin: Antiflammatory

This powerful anti-inflammatory agent is derived from turmeric. Xtend uses a highly bioavailable form to ensure effective absorption. Curcumin supports the immune system by reducing inflammation, a key factor in maintaining overall health.

Green Tea Extract

Packed with polyphenols, green tea extract is a valuable addition. These compounds contribute to an anti-inflammatory effect, promoting overall health. Studies also suggest potential benefits in areas like weight loss and cardiovascular health.

Lycopene and Tomato Extracts

Xtend includes lycopene and extracts from red tomatoes, both rich in polyphenols. These components offer antioxidant properties, contributing to overall health and potentially supporting eye health by protecting against ultraviolet rays.

Edible Seaweeds

The inclusion of edible seaweeds brings a unique element to the formula. These seaweeds contribute to the teas' overall health by preventing the growth of bacteria. A subtle yet essential addition to a well-rounded immune-supporting multivitamin.

Synergistic Goodness

Within this supplement, the synergy of curcumin, green tea extract, and an array of other antioxidants creates a health-boosting elixir. These components work together, ensuring your body receives a comprehensive dose of immune fortification.

👉 My Top Recommendation (and what I take)

Health Protocol: omega Balance oil + multivitamin with immune support + gut health prebiotic blend

My Recommendation is the Premium Kit with omega balance test + Viva my favorite chill pill when I'm feeling anxious, stressed, or can't sleep!

*Check out the other Health protocols kits if you don't need a test.

The pursuit of immune resilience goes beyond supplement consumption; it's a holistic journey that integrates lifestyle choices with targeted supplementation. And remember, your health journey is unique – feel free to reach out with any questions. After ordering through my link, set up a free health coaching call, and let's embark on this journey together. Here's to a life of vibrancy – keep thriving!

Mentioned in this episode:

👉 Join me for a free coaching call and discover what are the missing pieces so you get healthy, stay healthy, and feel better!


👉 At-Home Vitamin D Test Kit
One test kit: (+ Vitamin D supplement with Magnesium)

Two test kits (so you can retest after 4-6 months of supplementing)


👉 My favorite multivitamin + immune support

Xtend + (all natural forms of vitamins)

*My family uses both. The Xtend+ is a little more expensive, so choose within your budget.


👉 Omega Balance Test Kit + Balance Oil:

👉 Learn more about omega's & inflammation:


👉 Save 20% on Organifi with the affiliate code HEALTHY20 and 35% when you set up a subscription. The Gold has a big dose of turmeric a powerful anti-inflammatory and it combines with a lemon balm which is a soothing herb.

My favorites are the green juice in AM & the GOLD in the evening.


Related episode:

#65 | The Power of Omega 3: Achieving Optimal Omega Balance & Effective Fish Oil Supplementation

#54 | Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Fuel Your Morning, Balance Your Blood Sugar, & Increase Your Energy


Work with me:

👉 1-1 Personal Training & Health Coaching: We can create a custom package to meet your needs!

Discover more here:


👉 Healthy for Life Membership

This membership is great for those who are looking for a budget-friendly way to get a great workout in, help with their nutrition, and do not need 1-1 support.

Sign up here:


👉Grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can start having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism.


You got this,

Coach Michele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice. 

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from.  I am an independent partner with Zinzino.

Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

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