Release stuck emotions in the body with EFT and yoga

Are you wondering if yoga or EFT (tapping)…

Can emotions get trapped in the body and how do you release these stored emotions from your body?

Releasing emotions like anger, shame, or frustration that are stuck in your body can help to move your forward. 

Maybe you struggle with emotional eating, sugar cravings, or binge eating and you want to know how to break the cycle.  Join me with an EFT expert, Maria, as we chat.

How do emotions get trapped in the body?

Your brain gets in the way and tells you not to cry and hold the emotion in.

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It tells you not to shake when you're nervous about a presentation. 

Or maybe your boss yells at you and you feel shame or embarrassment from it, but you do nothing,

Or maybe your child is acting up at the grocery store and you were frustrated but you held it in because you were in public and didn’t want to make a scene.

 When you avoid these raw emotions, it interferes with your body to deal with emotions.  

 So the emotions get trapped in a body as you avoid these emotions. 

When you repress one emotion, you typically repress more emotions 

You try not to think about them, but your body still holds onto them.

 How do we release these emotions?

When we release emotions from the body we can burn off excess adrenaline by shaking, crying, and laughing to get back to PNS (calming nervous system). 

Your body tries to process emotions by physically moving, so we move we can start to let some emotions leave the body.

Physical activity is a powerful way to reset the nervous system. 

This can be a small or big movement and it helps the nervous system go through the stress cycle. 

How does EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping help to release emotions

By physically moving your hands to the different spots that line up with meridians, while verbally talking your way through your emotions you can start to process them and release them.

How does yoga help release emotions?

Yoga has been shown to be an effective treatment for PTSD and is more effective than some medications. 

Exercise has been shown to be more effective than medication for treating mild to moderate depression, and anxiety. 

As you move your body and your body, you can start to release emotions that you suppressed.

In yoga for example maybe when you’re doing twist and suddenly you feel the urge to cry. That is body releasing a stored emotion.

And just keep in mind you don’t need to analyze emotion or think about it cognitively.

 Simple first steps to decrease stress and release emotions?

Remember that the fight-flight-freeze response gets very sensitive and gets activated easily and stays on a long time.

This can leave you feeling very exhausted so it is important to regulate the nervous system throughout the day. 

You can help combat this by learning to trigger calming nervous system throughout the day. 

You change your reaction and make changes to your brain.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Quick morning or evening yoga practice or couple stretches with breathing

  2. Follow it up by some journaling of feelings- Really sticking to feelings, thoughts, or judgments that pop up

  3. Get up and move if you need- stretch, twist, walk..

  4. As you are doing yoga or walking, notice what your body feels, notice how you are feeling, don’t judge it just notice.

—> Find out more about Maria and let her know Michele Riechma sent you at:

—> Want to incorporate yoga and deep breathing? Check out Michele’s Membership which includes the 4-week breath & strengthen yoga program!

Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

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