Tips on How to Lose Weight {During Menopause}

*Estimated read time is 5 minutes (I love sharing my favorite. This post contains affiliate links that I can make a commission from.)

Ready for some tips on how to lose weight during menopause? Are you over 40, and does your menopause journey have you feeling frustrated with your efforts to lose weight? Perhaps you've been exercising and eating healthy, yet the results aren't what you want. Do you just want to comfortably fit into your clothes and feel great in your own skin?

If you're feeling frustrated with your efforts to lose weight and want to feel comfortable in your own skin, you've come to the right place! Also, check out 3 Tips for Losing Weight for Women over 40!

Struggling to shed the menopause weight?

Today, Iโ€™m excited to introduce you to Marni, a woman just like you who was struggling to shed those extra pounds. Marni was exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet, but she wasn't seeing the results she wanted. She was tired of extreme fasting and diets that left her feeling hungry and deprived.

In this episode, I worked with Marni to create a personalized weight loss plan that was tailored to her needs and goals. We focused on healthy, sustainable changes that she could maintain long-term.

Through coaching, Marni learned that are many things she could do to support her body and make weight loss easier.

Strength training during menopause

Strength training is important during menopause for several reasons:

  1. Preserving muscle mass: As women age, they naturally lose muscle mass. This loss can be accelerated during menopause due to changes in hormone levels. Strength training can help to preserve muscle mass, which is important for maintaining strength, balance, and mobility.

  2. Maintaining bone density: During menopause, women also experience a loss of bone density, which can increase the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Strength training has been shown to help maintain bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

  3. Managing weight: As metabolism slows down with age, women may find it harder to maintain a healthy weight. Strength training can help to increase muscle mass, which can help to increase metabolism and burn more calories even when at rest.

  4. Improving overall health: Strength training has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and improved insulin sensitivity. These benefits can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

    For example, we encouraged Marni to focus on strength training exercises that would build muscle and boost her metabolism. We also helped her to find healthy, whole foods that would support her body's nutritional needs.

If you're like Marni and struggling with menopause weight gain, know that you're not alone. With the right support and guidance, you can achieve your weight loss goals and feel great in your own skin. So why wait? Get started on your journey today and set up a free call!

Losing weight as you get older

In today's podcast, we touched on some important points that can be a game-changer for anyone who's struggling with weight gain as they get older.

First things first, as we get older, our metabolism can slows down. Boo!

But wait, there's more! As we age, we tend to lose muscle mass. The less muscle we have, the fewer calories our body burns. So, if we're not actively building and maintaining muscle through exercise, our body just isn't burning as many calories as it could be.

Oh, and let's not forget about our hormones. As we age, our hormone levels shift and change, which can impact our weight. For example, menopause can cause a decrease in estrogen levels, which can lead to weight gain, especially around the belly area. And let's be honest, no one wants to carry around a spare tire!

Lastly, as we age, life just gets busier. We might have more responsibilities, like taking care of kids or grandkids, work, or caring for aging parents. This can make it harder to find time for exercise and healthy meal prep. Plus, let's be real, sometimes we just want to relax with a glass of wine and some chocolate after a long day, am I right?

So, there you have it, my friend! Losing weight as we get older can be a bit of a challenge, but it's definitely not impossible. With a little extra effort, like strength training, staying active, and making healthy food choices, we can still rock our favorite jeans like a boss!

Fasting During Menopause

Firstly, we discussed the drawbacks of extreme fasting. While fasting can be an effective way to lose weight quickly, it's not a sustainable solution. Many people find that they're unable to stick to such an extreme regimen long-term, and as a result, they end up gaining back any weight they lost.

Moreover, extreme fasting can put a lot of stress on your body, leading to negative health consequences. Instead, we encouraged our listeners to focus on healthy, sustainable changes to their diet and lifestyle.

Menopause & Hormones Impact on Weight Loss

Next, we talked about the missing pieces to weight gain as you get older. Many people assume that gaining weight is just a natural part of the aging process, but there are actually several factors at play.

Additionally, many women experience hormonal changes during menopause, which can lead to weight gain and make it more difficult to lose weight.

That's why it's so important to take a holistic approach to weight loss. You can't just focus on diet alone โ€“ you need to look at other factors that might be contributing to weight gain, such as stress, sleep, and activity level.

Why Strength Training is Important Before & During Menopause

Speaking of activity level, we emphasized the importance of strength training as you get older. As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, which can slow down our metabolism and make it harder to lose weight.

Strength training is a great way to build and maintain muscle mass, which can help to boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight. It's also important for maintaining bone density and preventing injury.

Why Moving More Can Help with Weight Loss in Menopause

Finally, we talked about the importance of moving your body and not being sedentary. Even if you're not able to do intense exercise, it's important to find ways to move your body throughout the day.

This could be something as simple as taking a walk or doing some light stretching. The key is to avoid being sedentary for long periods of time, as this can lead to a host of negative health consequences.

In conclusion, there are many factors at play when it comes to weight gain as you get older. By focusing on healthy, sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle, incorporating strength training, and finding ways to move your body throughout the day, you can achieve your weight loss goals and feel great in your own skin.

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You got this,

Coach MIchele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice.

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from. 

Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

Quick Weight Loss Workout {for Menopause}


Regulating Hormones With Diet {During Menopause for Weight Loss & Health}