Michele Riechman- Online Personal Trainer & Health Coach

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How to get started with clean eating

(Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes. This post contains affiliate links to my favorite products that I can earn a commission from)

Eating real whole foods seems like something that should be easy. Right? But it isn't.

It's so easy to grab that packaged food. To pour that bowl of cereal. To grab that granola bar.

We are surrounded by foods that are so convenient to eat. At first glance, they don't seem that bad. I mean one bag of Cheetos isn’t going to hurt you, right?

But when we continue to fill our bodies with these processed foods our bodies start to miss out on important nutrients.

Not only that, did you know that we digest processed foods faster?

Do you know what that means? That they don't fill us up and we absorb more calories.

Our body doesn't have to work very hard to break them down because they're already broken down.

So they leave us unsatisfied and eating more.

As I work with clients in my programs, I help them to find the foods that leave them feeling satisfied.

You'll start to notice that when you eat more whole foods you will feel full longer especially when you are eating a variety of foods.

I hear from clients again and again when they start eating more whole foods in a sustainable and healthy way, they start to drop those extra pounds really fast and they aren’t hungry.

Protein and fiber (which is usually limited in processed foods) go a really long way in filling us up.

That means we can last a few hours without eating and not feel like we are starving.

So I won't pretend this is an easy thing to do. But having a plan in place and having healthy food around can make a big difference.

Guess what we are more likely to eat? That food that is right in front of us.

So if we can start making sure our house is stocked with healthy whole foods and slowly have less processed foods, we will be less likely to grab that bag of chips.

As a busy mom of 4 I know how hard it can be to eat healthy, but by making small changes you can get there!

ACTION STEP #1: So set an intention right now that you will buy less processed foods and more whole foods the next time you go shopping! Option: Throw some of the junk food away in your house right now!

And just like with anything —> the more you do it the easier it gets.

So it might seem really hard to make a smoothie at first because you don't know what you're doing but after you made five smoothies it gets easier.

It's not that big of a deal, you barely have to think about what you are doing.

So just imagine yourself a few weeks from now having a handful of whole foods snacks and meals that are a breeze to get ready! It won't feel like a struggle anymore.

ACTION STEP #2: Think of one whole food snack right now that would be quick to grab! If you don’t have it in your house put it on your grocery list. My favorite simple snacks are apples with peanut butter or carrots with peanut butter (or almond butter). Need some ideas? Get some inspiration here

ACTION STEP #3: Download my guide, 5 Clean Eating Hacks for FREE! Learn even more about clean eating and few simple hacks so you can know exactly what to do!

In this guide we will cover:
・How to avoid foods that are wreaking havoc on your body and causing unwanted symptoms!
・How to eat clean so you can feel incredible and enjoy food that is not only good for you but also tastes delicious!
・How to save time and prepare healthy meals even if you’re busy and work a 9-to-5! And so much more!

Some of the favorites that help me live a healthier, cleaner life!

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