Michele Riechman- Online Personal Trainer & Health Coach

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Best yoga class for beginners to increase flexibility at home

Are you a beginner to yoga and wondering if yoga can improve your flexibility

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If you feel like your muscles are really tight, but watching a super flexible person do yoga looks impossible, then you need to start with the right class.

This 30-minute yoga video is geared toward beginners who feel very inflexible and struggle to follow a traditional yoga workout.  

Maybe you can’t even reach your toes, so you feel like you can’t do yoga.

But I got you covered with this beginner class geared just towards those who can’t touch their toes. 

Yoga poses for the inflexible

There are many variations of poses to do and you can use yoga blocks to bring the ground up to you and to make poses more comfortable.

As you continue to practice yoga you will increase your flexibility and it can even help with weight loss.

Plus size yoga for beginners

If you are a plus size or you feel like you struggle to follow a yoga class and traditional yoga poses, then you will enjoy this class as we slow transitions down and offer different ways to get into poses.  

It can be really hard to move your feet up and down the mat and get into and out of lunges, when you are new.

Is yoga good for obese beginners?

Yoga can be a great way for a bigger person to get started with exercise, but you definitely need a class that is geared towards beginners, offers options, and slows down transitions.

Moving and strengthening your body in a way that feels good is important.

Yoga at home for beginners

So give this youtube yoga class for the inflexible beginner a try!

And the bonus of doing a yoga class at home is a great way to not worry about what you look like, so you can get started and feel comfortable.  

Enjoy this free yoga class for inflexible beginners! 

Beginner yoga poses

In this video you will see the following yoga poses for beginners:

Table top



Downward dog

Forward fold

Runners lunge

Low lunge

Table top-lift one limb

Child's pose

Easy seat

Each pose offers different ways for beginners to take part and feel comfortable with each yoga pose.

Give it a try and let me know what you think

Coach Michele